Cowplain Dental Practice is fortunate to have a strong team with a variety of dental skills, able to take care of any dental condition you may have. Our practice has been serving the people of Waterlooville for over five decades. During this time we have built a strong relationship with our patients and we are now seeing children and grandchildren of our original patients. Our team consists of four dentists, five hygienists, two dental therapists, and one clinical technician as well as a practice manager and support staff. Your dentist in Waterlooville is in good shape and is made up of a well-balanced team always available to help you maintain a healthy mouth.
Comprehensive care
We only take new patients when a vacancy becomes available and only on recommendation from our existing patients. At your first appointment we conduct a thorough examination of your oral cavity taking X-rays to be able to compile a comprehensive assessment of your teeth, gums and jaw. We also screen for oral cancer and will provide you with advice on oral care and diet. This enables us to discuss with you any condition that we may find and how best to proceed to help you maintain a healthy mouth.
Preventive dentistry
Our first defence against tooth decay and gum disease is preventive care and maintenance and that is why we encourage parents to bring their children to us as early as possible. This gives us and them the opportunity to become familiar with one another, and it acquaints them with the practice’s surroundings, sights and smells. All of this is important to helping them as future patients to become more relaxed and to see dental care as a routine necessity, rather than a daily chore. Regular six-monthly visits to the dental surgery are part of the overall preventive routine and allow us to identify any issues before they manifest in serious conditions.
Modern living
Our dentist in Waterlooville understands that modern living exposes us all to various occasions when we may eat or drink too much sugar or something that is detrimental to our teeth. Part of our advice on dental care is to recognise that after those events you must perform your routine dental maintenance to keep a healthy mouth. In today's world, where we have all become amateur photographers with our mobile phones, you will want to send your best smiling image across the world to friends and family. We have a range of treatments to help you achieve that smile.
Dental science and technology
As a modern dentist in Waterlooville our equipment and the skills of our team can deliver treatment for practical dental problems and deliver on your cosmetic requirements. Cowplain Dental Practice prides itself on being able to create permanent crowns, veneers or onlays at one appointment with our Cerec equipment. There is no longer any need for you to suffer with any dental condition or to be unconfident about your smile. Our team ensures that by providing a full range of treatments and dental emergency care, you can live this modern life in the knowledge that your oral health is being well looked after.